Letter from the President


I wanted to give a big thanks to all members who helped make our raffle a success this year. Our sales at the Indianapolis boat show were down a little from the previous 2 years, but we had some really bad weather on both weekends. In the future if you can help out at the booth we could really use your help. I want to thank everyone who helped sell at the show. I know at times it wasn’t easy getting to the show. Remember the more we sell the better the top 8 payout gets.

I wanted to thank Kenny Swint for running the Bass Federation Trail for the last few years. He really did a great job. Kenny had a great crew that made it a lot easier for him and the fisherman to check in in the mornings and weighting their catch. The new director is Dwight Clunie and I know he will also do a great job. If you have a chance to come out and fish the Trail we would love to have you.

Please check out our website and like us on Facebook. We post a lot of information on these sites so please keep checking them often. If you have any information that needs to get posted please give Rob Kelley a call.

I want to wish Bob Keb and Phillip Durancz who are representing Indiana at the Nationals this year good luck and make us proud. You can follow the weight in on the TBF web site.

I want to wish good luck to everyone fishing their upcoming Top 8 Tournament. This is the first step in making the state team and maybe even the FLW classic. We have a lot of good fisherman around the state and I know it’s hard to make the state finals let along the Indiana State Team.

We have a few members who are having some health issues at the time, please keep them on your prayer list. Terry McWilliams, Paul Jolly, and Marcus Courtney. I am sure we have more but these are the ones that I am aware of.


Kelly Hook
