March 9th, 2024 Zone 1 Meeting
- – Call Meeting to Order
- – Pledge of Allegiance
- – Reading of January 6th meeting minutes
- – Financial Report –
- – State meeting
- Club awards-
- Youth award – St. Joe Valley Bass Masters & Chelsea Bass Masters.
- Club of the Year Award – Bass’n Gals
- Hall of fame – Mark Sutterfield – Owner of Sutterfield plaques and trophies. He is a past IBF member and longtime angler. He donates plaques to the trail and makes plaques for the rest of the Federation.
- The Raptors sold for $2700 at auction.
- Kelly Hook won the door prize – Denali rod with Curado DC reel.
- Wes Thomas won the Lowrance HDS Live
- We also raffled off Minn Kota Ultrex, Several rods, a reel, and 8 tackle packs.
- Club awards-
- Indy Booth –
- Thank you to Potato Creek Bass Club for manning the booth.
- Thank you to the others that helped.
- State Raffle Program
- 1st Benelli Montefeltro 12 Gauge – Jesse Garcia of Kingsford Heights. He bought the ticket from Josh Largen from Potato Creek Bass Club.
- 2nd Glock 47 9mm- Troy Thornburg a member of Ye Olde Tackle Box Team – He bought his ticket from the tickets that were sent to his club.
- 3rd Rod and reel combo – Robert Varble a member of Madison Bass Masters. He bought his ticket through the tickets that were sent to his club.
- Zone 1 sold 280 tickets down 77 tickets from last year. Only 6 of the 9 clubs in Zone 1 sold tickets. Other 3 zones were up in sales. At the show we sold 729 tickets. Up 64 tickets from last year.
- – Any business from the board members?
- Fenwick deal for IFB members is on the website.
- Discounts for IBF members. May have to get with DeWayne Wilda to get the discount code for certain companies.
- Discounts are based on the January 31st Our numbers were down due to late dues.
- – Open tournament’s –
- Zone 1 open
- May 11th – St. Joe River
- Maggie’s Landing
- NSF qualifier
- Zone 1 open
- – Riley’s Tournament –
- July 28th
- Wawasee
- NSF Qualifier
- – NSF
- September 28th and 29th
- Clair
- Off limits is Sept 23rd and 24th
- Practice 25th and 26th and 27
- Selfridge ramp.
- Competition License
- If you want to move on after Nationals need to purchase this prior to NSF. Call MLF at 270-252-1000. Cost is $48.75
- – Regional Championship
- Deadline for rosters is Friday March 29th.
- Meeting will be at Cummings Lodge- Pasta Dinner will be served.
- There are 4 ramps to use. (Blue Heron Ramp is for guests only)
- There are new docks at Stone Ramp that will be put in on the first week of April.
- Stone Ramp will hold aprox 30 truck and trailers.
- Co anglers WILL park at
- When reserving hotel rooms – Mention that you are a participant. Hotels are providing discounts.
–IBF Membership Fishing Party Tournament –
- Kenny Swint
- You can register online at the IBF web site.
- November 8th and 9th $220 for entry.
- More information can be found on the IBF web site.
– Youth Director Northern Division –
Worked outdoor show in Highland with Northwest Fishing Fundamental. Had a good turn out Saturday and Sunday for the casting kid’s boat. IBF Booth slow Thank You to Peyton Attinger and Connor Moon for their help Saturday.
National Guard making donation to the Youth Trail North and South
Currently have a Jr. looking for a partner and boat captain: Have a High School Team looking for a boat captain to captain them on Patoka May 18th, for the SAF/ State Championship.
Had to move a tournament from Shaffer to Freeman. Due to another trail scheduling on top of them.
Last point tournaments of the year are April 20th on Tipp and May 18th on Patoka.
Looking for someone to donate a trailer so I can carry all the tournament equipment.
Finances are in good shape.
Looking at possibly 35 boats this year between Jr and High School divisions
The North is always looking for boat captains. If interested, please contact Charles Largen.
– New business-
- Phil Reel asked to look onto the dock situation at Nyona Lake. The public dock is falling apart and not safe for anyone to walk on. There is a dock that is placed on the State land but has a sign that says private property on it. Wants verification if that dock is open to public. Mike G. stated that he would call the property manager and DNR about the private dock. Will also as DNR to place a new dock at that lake so it would be safe for people to use and handicap accessible.
- April 26th FRIDAY at 6pm CENTRAL TIME (That’s 7pm Eastern Time) @ Cummings Lodge – Grangemouth Dr. La Porte, IN 46350
- Adjourn – motion by potato creek bass club, second was made by Michiana Bass Anglers
Directors in attendance
Dave Gee, Gene McIntosh,
Sub directors – Don Pierce.
Clubs in attendance
Michiana Bass Anglers, Potato Creek Bass Club, St. Joe Valley Bass Masters, Indiana Bass Club, Peru Bass Masters, Indiana Bass Masters, Angola Hawg Hunters, Wawasee Hawg Hunters
November 4th, 2023 Zone 1 Meeting
In attendance: Directors: Charles Largen, Dave Gee, Randy Forszt, Gene McIntosh
SUB directors: Don Peirce
Officers: Mike Goines, Dewayne Wilda, Darrin Bongiovanni
- – Call Meeting to Order
- – Pledge of Allegiance
- -Reading of June meeting minutes –
- – Financial report- $2,919.99
- -2023 National Semi Finals – Fort Maddison
- Overall winners:
- Boater
- 1st – Pete Saele 28.69 lbs Illinois
- 2nd – Scott Bateman 27.40 lbs Indiana
- 3rd – Nick Connor 26.65 lbs Illinois
- 4th – Chris Wilkinson 21.57 Indiana
- Co-angler
- Chris Lally 14.72 Illinois
- Rod Richmond 14.36 lbs Illinois
- Jason Cross 11.38 lbs Indiana
- Daniel Eversole 11.04 lbs Indiana
- – 2023 Tournament of Champions– Sylvan Lake October 14th 2023
- Winners
- 1st George Crooks and Steve Neate of Indiana Bass Masters with 11.82 lbs
- 2nd Don Woenker and Keven Days of Angola Hawg Hunters with 11.57 lbs
- 3rd Marty Boyle and Calvin Cole of Wawasee Hawg Hunters with 11.57 lbs
- Big Bass was George Crooks and Steve Neate with 3.69 lbs
- 11 teams showed up from Indiana Bass Masters, Angola Hawg Hunters, 2 teams from Wawasee Hawg Hunters, two teams from Northern Bass Anglers, Michiana Bass Anglers, Indiana Bass Club, Peru Bass Masters, and two teams from St. Joe Valley Bass Masters,
- It was cold, rainy, and windy. But it was a good turnout.
- – Riley’s Tournament
- to Camp Riley in donations $3630
- We paid out $4020 including $1000 for big bass.
- Mike sent out thank you letters to everyone who made donations.
- M Goins – Advised we had 69 entries
- Had great turnout
- 1st place – Seth Wingard and Duane Bontrager with 17.99 lbs
- 2nd place – Jesse Richardson and Dalton Pinkerton with 16.12 lbs
- 3rd Ron Fabiszak and Kevin Fletcher 13.84 lbs
The big bass went
2024 Riley’s Tournament (Mike Goines) July 27th
- Elections: of Zone 1 District 1 and 2 Directors and Sub Directors
- Current: Directors – Z1D1: Gene McIntosh – Z1D2: Randy Forszt
- Current: Sub Directors Z1D1 Jason Wolf – Z1D2: none
- Nominations Zone 1 District 2: Director-
- Kevin Jones
- Zone 1 District 2 Sub Director-
- Marty Boyle
- Zone 1 District 2: New
- Director: Kevin Jones
- Sub Director: Marty Boyle
- Nominations Zone 1 D1:
- Director-
- Gene McIntosh
- Sub Director-
- Jason Wolf
- Director-
- Zone 1 District 1: New
- Director: Gene McIntosh
- Sub Director: Jason Wolf
- – 2024 Regional Championship Proposals-
- Indiana Bass Club – April 26th – April 28th – Pine and Stone
- Angola Hawg Hunters – June 21st -June 23rd – Tippecanoe Lake
- Indiana Bass Club Proposal was voted in with a vote of 7 to 2.-
- Zone 1 Meeting April 26th
- 6 pm Central Time.
- Cummings Lodge -Grangemouth Dr. La Porte, IN 46350
- – 2024 Regional Championship –
- Sweet 16 – Top 2 boaters and top 2 Co anglers from all 4 zones will make up the sweet 16. Those individuals will stay the Sweet 16.
- – NSF
- 2024 – St. Clair September 28/29th
- – 2024 Indiana Boat Show – February 16-18 and 21-25
- General assembly meeting is February 17.
- 2024 State Raffle – DeWayne Wilda
- Raffling off two guns and a rod reel combo this year.
- 1st prize -Benelli Montefeltro 12 gauge
- 2nd prize – Glock 47 9mm hand gun
- 3rd prize -Denali N3 rod with a Curado 200 DC reel
- Tickets will be $10
- Each club will get 50 tickets
- IF your club does not wish to sell tickets please let Dewayne know as soon as possible.
- – Scholarship entries –
- due December state meeting, Any Senior in HS can apply. Printable forms are on IBF website.
- – Club Presentations – are due December at the state meeting.
- Conservation Award
- Youth Award
- Community Service Award
- Club of the Year Award
- – IBF Website -2024 Club tournaments, Rod has calendar up, clubs can get schedule out.
- Rod Yoder
- Get results on website
- Michigan Tournaments must be entered on their website. State Law
- IBF Fishing party – November 10th and 11th 2023
- Lake Chickamauga, Dayton Tennessee
- Register online
- Guaranteed $3,000 for 1st place and $1,000 big bass
- See for more information.
- – Zone 1 – Open
- Maggies May 11th 2024
- – 2024 Zone 1 Meeting Dates
- January 6th, 2024
- March 2n, 2024
- November 9th, 2024
- – 2024 Tournament Of Champions –
- Maxi Lake – October 5th , 2024
- – Next State General Membership Meeting December 2nd at 1pm
Moose Lodge -7055 W. 16th St Indianapolis, IN
- – 2024 Rosters – Dues $40/person. $10 for second club. New members IBF Dues $10
- TBF dues $15 MLF $35 this does not include the competition membership. Individuals need to call MLF to purchase the competition membership
- IBF Youth North –
- Director Charles Largen talked about IBF Youth North
- Had several business step up and help with trophies this season, Bite me Tackle, Bandstra Construction, Str8 UP Mounts, UAW 2209. Have had over the last year many of your High School Students enter the college ranks on scholarships. The group avg. 33 boats a tournament. Had support from Angola Hog hunters, Potato Creek Bass Club and St Joe Valley Bassmasters along with several parent volunteers.
- Brady Osborn and Ryan Seitz compete in the Jacob Wheeler Fishing Foundation High School Bass Shootout. Held on Chickamauga Lake. They competed against 74 other teams (75 total). It was a modified MLF format. Each team got to go out with a pro. After day one Brady and Ryan were leading the event 3 bass for 13lbs 3oz, which included a 6lb 5oz bass. Day two only the top 7 teams were paired with Jacob Wheeler and 6 other pros. Ryan and Brady where paired with Dustin Connell. They weighted in 7lbs 8oz and was able to whole onto first with 20lbs 11oz.
- May 18th is SAF?TBF High School state championship on Patoka Lake
- High School National World June 19-22, Lake Hartwell Anderson S.C.
– Adjourn motion – Potato Creek Bass Club and Michiana Bass Anglers
Clubs in attendance: Michiana Bass Anglers, Potato Creek Bass Club, St. Joe Valley Bass Masters, Indiana Bass club, Indiana, Bass Masters, Peru Bass Masters, Ye Olde Tacklebox Team, Angola Hawg Hunters, Wawasee Hawg Hunters
Zone 1 Meeting November 2, 2019
- 0900 Meeting called to order by Darin Bongiovanni.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Reading of March 2/May 17 minutes were motioned to be forgo by Miles and it was second
- Dewayne Wilda read the financial report
- 2019 National Semi Finals standings: Mike G stated that fishing was tough due to a cold front and the temp dropped 20 deg throughout the day. 73 boats were at NSF, Indiana had 43 boats and Illinois had 30 boats. Brian Hensley and David Snider will advance. Kelly Hook dropped out to allow other people to fish the NSF due to other people dropping out.
- Elections for Zone 1 District 1 and 2 Directors and Sub Directors:
Nominations for Director: Gene McIntosh nominated by Don P. 2nd by Mike G
Darin Bongiovanni nominated by Mike G 2nd by Fred Z.
Gene McIntosh named Z1 D1 Director
Darin Bongiovanni named Z1 D2 Director
Marty Boyle named Z1 D1 Sub Director
Don Piercel named Z1 D2 Sub Director
- 2019 Tournament of Champions was held at Wawasee there were 16 boats. Illinois Bass Nation was also at the DNR ramp and they were supposed to be at the Syracuse ramp. There were no issues with everyone at the same ramp. The winners of the 2019 TOC is Niles King/George Crocks
- 2020 Tournament of champions will be October 3rd, 2020 at Lake James. Will use the Bledso Ramp
- Boat Show-Dewayne Wilda will be handing out the tickets at the end of the month. clubs sell 150 tickets $50 will be taken off of Top 8 entry. There will be 3 humming bird units, 2 trolling motors,
- Next State General Membership Meeting is December 7th, 2019
- 2020 Top 8 Proposals: Angola Hog Hustlers May 2&3 2020 at Wawasee presented by Kevin D. There was a concern that ProTackle had the same days reserved however ProTackle moved their dates so there is no conflict. Kevin Days is requesting permits for Wawasee.
- Darin Bongiovanni has a proposed to re-format the state tournaments. proposed format is to eliminate the current top 8 and state championship and replace it with 4 Indiana regional championships. this change is have more people commit for NSF. there will be 4 regional 2 day tournaments held on different days and any IBF club can fish with a $40 per club member fee. it will be a Pro/Am style tournament. will pay top 10 boats and top team. each team will consist of 8 members. Top 10% of day 1, day 2 and over all will qualify for NSF.
- Darrin B- this proposal is to be taken to clubs and presented to the clubs for their feedback. Clubs need to email or contact their Director with their feedback by December 6th so be presented at the state meeting on December 7th.
- Conservation report- structure project is moving forward Patoka is next, they finished with Monroe
- TBF Presidents Meeting Report- Liability release forms need to be filled out on TBF website by every IBF member. There will be a kill switch check at every open tournament. Also at youth tournaments any adolescent 16 y/o and younger must be accompanied by no less than 2 people.
- Scholarships entries must be entered by December 7th state meeting
- Club Presentation for club awards need to be given to Mike Goins by December 7th state meeting
- IBF website – 2020 Tournaments need to be emailed in a timely manner.
- Invitational Trail is coming north to Wawasee on May 7th.
- Mike Goins- need to see if a Northern Trail is wanted in the North. It will consist of 4 tournaments all on Sunday.
- State Board Meeting- if a new member is to join the TBF their dues are $10 for the first year.
- MLF has bought the FLW and as of now no changes to the TBF. The only known change as of now is the FLW championship will be changed to a MLF style format.
- TBF- Rosters need to be turned in by December 31st. if a person belongs to more than one club they pay $40 for the 1st club and $10 for the others.
- 2020 Zone 1 Meeting Dates: January 11, March 7, November 7
- Next State General Membership Meeting is December 7th 2019
- Motion to adjourn by Niles 2nd by Fred Z
Officers in attendance: Darin B, Fred Z, Kevin D, Gene M, Marty Boyle, Don Piercel, Dewayne Wilda, Mike Goins.
January 16, 2016
- Meeting was called to order at 9:03 am and the membership Pledge to the flag.
- Dan O’Neil read the Meeting minutes from November 14, 2015. Motion to accept by Wawasee 2nd by Potato Creek
- DeWayne Wilda read the financial report. There is -$35 in the budget. 10% of the TOC funds did not go into the budget from the 2014 TOC. Wawasee made a motion to accept 2nd by Potato Creek
- Mike Goins gave a review on the TBF Semi-final program and explained the flow chart of the 4 ways members can qualify to fish it.
- Mike Goins reported on the IBF website and how it has improved. contact Rod Yoder for updates.
- Mike Goins stated that Zone 1 is responsible for staffing the raffle booth February 27, 28. Any clubs wanting to help out to contact Mike.
- Mike reported that door prizes will be given away at this state meeting. Prizes include a Humminbird locator and a Minn Kota Fortrexx trolling motor.
- Mike Goins reported that deadlines for the submission of club rosters and raffle tickets has been pushed back to February 20 but if you can get them in earlier it would be appreciated. .
- Craig Stanley reported on the raffle program. The boat will be at the Michiana boat show.
- Discussion regarding the Riley Children’s Hospital benefit tournament. Raccoon bass club had been hosting for the past 3 years and will not host this year due to lack of participation. Any club can host at any available date and water.
- A motion was made by Potato Creek and 2nd by Wawasee to continue $20 per club support of Riley’s Children Hospital. Motion carried by vote.
- Clubs to make check out to IBF and send to DeWayne. Note that it goes to Rileys.
- Mike reported that the state tournament will be August 6 and 7th at Tanners Creek. The Semi-Finals will be hosted by Indiana in 2016. No specific date set but will probably be on October on the Ohio River due to the possibility of a high number of entries.
- Zone 1Tournament of Champions was to be help October 1 at Lake James but it was listed in the Website at Lake James in one are of the IBF website and at Wawasee o at another location. Anglers Choice scheduled a tournament at Lake James on 10/1/16. It was discussed and it was decided to just fish the Tournament of Champions at Wawasee this l year and Lake James next year.
- The 50/50 drawing was held with Mike Parker winning $35 and Craig Stanley winning the IBF T-shirt.
- At 9:55 am the Meeting to adjourn was made by Potato Creek 2nd by Columbia City.
January 10, 2015
Mitch Hayes asked that we remind you to check the IBF tournament calendar before you send him your schedule or plan any additional tournaments during the year to help avoid scheduling over other events. He also advised that all tournaments , whether club tournaments or open money tournaments, are scheduled on a first come first served basis. There is no preferred scheduling for a money tournament or a club tournament.
We now have 4 clubs signed up to sell raffle tickets at the IBF booth on Saturday February 21. Potato Creek Bass Club 10 am to 2 pm; St Joe Valley Bass Masters 2 pm to 4 pm, Sugar Creek Bass Masters from 4 pm to 6 pm , and Team Bass of Marion 6 pm to 8 pm.
We still need clubs to work on Sunday February 22. Please let me know if 3-4 of you club members can work at the IBF booth and when they would like to work. Just call or send Mike Goins an E-Mail.
Remember – General Membership State Meeting Saturday February 21, 2014 at 1 PM. It will be across from the Coliseum at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show.
Next Zone 1 meeting Saturday March 7 at 9 am. Main topic will be info on the Top-8’s.
Michael Goins Cell: 574-298-0208
- Pledge to the flag.
- Dan O’Neil read the meeting minutes from 11/8/14 meeting. There were 2 corrections November meeting will be on the 14th and not the 7th and in addition Zone 1 member Brian Hensley, Jerry Antrup, Aaron Hochstedler and Tommy Stark also qualified for the 2015 State Team. Motion to accept with corrections St. Joe Valley, 2nd Sugar Creek.
- DeWayne Wilda read the financial report. There is $216In the Zone account. MARCO motion to accept and 2nd by Potato Creek.
- Mike announced that Kelly Hook remains as president and DeWayne Wilda remains as VP. Eric Hardestyalso remains as secretary and Larry Watson remains as treasurer.
- Mike announced that we have a new conservation director and her name is Margo Templeton.
- The directors entertained a motion to switch District 1 and District 3 directors. Motion made by Wawasee Hawg Hunters, 2nd by Potato creek. Unanimous vote by the membership. Craig Stanley will be the District 1 Director and Dan O’Neil District 2 Director.
- Report on the Raffle Tickets and IBF Roster due by 2/1/15.
- Discussed the 2015 Indianapolis Boat sport and travel show. Feb 20-Mar 1. Seeking volunteers to man the raffle booth. Sugar Creek and Potato Creek volunteered.
- Reported that the next general membership meeting will be Saturday Feb 21 and door prizes will be available at the meeting and the top 8’s
- IBF T-shirts will be available at the IBF booth for $10.
- The IBF is requesting a minimum of $20 from each club to support the Riley Charity Tournament in June. Potato creek donated $100.
- Mike Goins reported on the Fish for Freedom program. The need boat captions for the April 12 event. If you can participate contact Jarred Holland – info on flyer.
- Mike Goins reported that club and money tournament schedules can be sent to Mitch Hayes to be place on the IBF website.
- Questions were presented to the membership on how the IBF can help improve service to its members. After much discussion, 5 suggestions were recorded.
- Reduce raffle ticket price back to $2.
- Have additional raffles prizes such as 2nd and 3rd. Would help sell more tickets.
- Provide Top 8 patches to the newer members who qualify for the Top 8
- Reduce Dues to a person the first year they join club and IBF
- If we do an online magazine again make it easy to find – it was too difficult to find before
- 50/50 raffle drawing was held with Tony Koser winning. Tony donated the $45 won on behalf of Northern Bass Anglers to the Riley Foundation
Motion to adjourn was made by Columbia City
November 8, 2014
Attached are the meeting minutes from the November 8, 2014 Zone 1 meeting, a copy of the district realignment, and a map showing the location of the December 6 state general membership meeting. ..
Please use your new District number when submitting your 2015 IBF roster.
Thanks for the Peru Bass Masters and Lagrange County Bass Masters for submitting proposals for the 2015 Top 8’s. .
District 1 and 2 will fish Mississinewa Reservoir May 2 and 3. Peru Bass Masters has secured those dates.
District 3 and 4 will fish Wawasee May 2 and 3 at Wawasee.
The final State General Membership meeting of the year will be Saturday December 6 at 1:00 PM. The meeting will be at the Outdoorsman located at 1010 S State Road 135 Greenwood, IN 46143. Their telephone number is (317) 245-8386. Take US 31 South from the south side of the I-465 beltway and go to Southport Rd. Turn right and go west to SR 135, Turn left on SR 135. The Outdoorsman will be on the right side just south of Smith Valley Rd. I attached a map for the south side of Indianapolis.
A reminder to club contacts: If you received your 2015 IBF roster information let IBF secretary Eric Hardesty know you received If you did not receive it please Email Eric and let him know so he can resend it. You can also copy your District Director or me so we can be sure you get the roster info. Please let us know if there has been a change in your club contact or the club contact’s E-mail address has changed. Eric’s E-mail address is
Michael Goins Zone 1 District 2 Director
Cell: 574-298-0208
November 8, 2014
- Pledge to the flag.
- Past meeting minutes from 3/8/14 and 5/2/14 were not available. Will be ready for the next meeting.
- DeWayne Wilda read the financial report. There is $638 in the account. Summit city made a motion to accept, 2nd by Marco.
- Discussed the handout of a re-alignment proposal of our zone. Motion to accept was made by Potato creek 2nd by Summit city. Unanimous by present membership.
- District 3 election no other nominees Team bass made a motion for Craig Stanley and was seconded. Craig Stanley will continue as District Director.
- District 4 election no other nominees. Potato Creek made a motion for Jeff Boon and it was seconded. Jeff will continue as District 4 Director.
- Club attendance was discussed: Next zone meeting Jan 10, Mar 7 and Nov 7. State meeting Dec 6.
- Craig Stanley reported on the raffle program. 14,800 tickets have been distributed due back by Feb 1. 10% reimbursement toward money spent sellingtickets is available..
- Mike Goins reported that Mitch Hayes will again manage the IBF website for meetings, attendance and tournament schedules. Email Mitch your club schedule at
- The IBF is working to improve the website, most updates can be found on Facebook.
- Mike Goins reported on the Northern Divisional. Mike sent results to be posted on the IBF website. Two qualifiers were from Zone 1.
- Mike Goins reported on the state finals. Brian Hensley was from our zone made the state team.
- Mike reported on the TBF rod deal.
- Mike reported on the IBF scholarship program. A son/daughter or grandchild of an IBF member could qualify for $300 toward college tuition.One scholarshipfrom each zone will be selected.
- Mike reported on “Club of the year” presentation. One club will be awarded at the Dec. State meeting. Based on conservation, youth and community service.
- Mike reported on the tournament of champions: Will be on Lake Maxinkuckee Oct 3, 2015.
- The zone accepted 2 proposals for the Top 8.
- Peru will Bass Masters will host on Lake Mississinewa May 2,3 for Districts 1 & 2.
- LaGrange Bass Masters will host on Lake Wawasee May 2, 3 for Districts 3 & 4.
- 50/50 raffle drawing was held with Mitch Hayes winning.
- Motion to adjourn was made by C City and 2nd by Team Bass of Marion.
Zone 1 Realignment proposal |
District 1 West Central |
Area |
Fish Lake |
Michigan City |
Indiana Bass Club |
Valparaiso |
Sugar Creek |
Lake Co |
Potato Creek |
Mishawaka |
St. Joe Valley Bass Masters |
South Bend |
MARCO Bass Masters |
Plymouth |
Michiana Bass Anglers |
Middlebury |
District 2- Central | |
Mid Indiana |
Kokomo |
Kokomo Bass Anglers |
Kokomo |
Peru Bass Master |
Peru |
Team Bass of Marion |
Marion |
Grant County Bass Anglers |
Marion/Muncie |
Ye Olde Tackle Box |
North Webster |
Indiana Bass Masters |
Marion |
District 3-Allen/Adams County | |
Allen County Bass Masters |
Fort Wayne |
Northern Bass Anglers |
Fort Wayne |
Old Fort Bass Casters |
Fort Wayne |
Pine Valley |
Fort Wayne |
Summit City Bass Masters |
Fort Wayne |
Adams County Bass Masters |
Decatur |
District 4-North East | |
Angola Bass Masters |
Angola |
Angola Hawg Hunters |
Angola |
Cedar Creek |
Garret |
DeKalb Bass Casters |
Auburn |
LaGrange County Bass Masters |
LaGrange |
Wawasee Hawg Hunters |
Ligonier |
Columbia City Bass Masters |
Albion |
2014 Zone #1 NEWS
Teams from fourteen clubs braved the cold, wind, rain, and sleet to participate in the Indiana Bass Federation Zone 1 Tournament of Champions. Seven of those teams were able to bring fish to the scales. The tournament was won by the team from the Wawasee Hawg Hunters. Marty Boyle (Warsaw) and Gerald Gingerich had a 5 fish limit weighing 9.89 pounds. Second was Bo Judd (Columbia City) and Travis Osbun (Churubusco) from the C-City Bass Masters. Their 5 fish weighed 8.70 pounds. The Allen County Bass Masters team of Jim Butts and Mike Lytle of Fort Wayne finished 3rd with 5 bass weighing 7.76 pounds. Fourth place went to Mike Foor and Jerry Palmer of Huntington who are with the Indiana Bass Masters. Their 5 fish weighed 7.59 pounds . The big bass of the day was a 4.04 pounder that was caught by Harold Chaney and Shane Guy of Marion and members of Team Bass of Marion. They finished 5th with 3 fish weighing 7.15 pounds. Thanks again to Money Mouth Baits and D’s Lure Heads for providing merchandise for the first team that finished out of the money.
Thanks to all the teams that participated. A complete breakdown of the results are attached.
Also attached is the application for the IBF scholarships. They need to be submitted by the general membership meeting on December 6 which will be at the Outdoorsman Sport Shop on St. Rd. 135 in Greenwood. Please share with any club members who have children or grandchildren who are attending higher education after high school or plan to next year.
Your club presentations for the Club of the Year awards also need to be submitted by the December 6 State Meeting.
One last reminder – Zone 1 meeting at 9 am on Saturday November 8 at the American Legion in Warsaw.
Michael Goins
Team Tournament Results
2014 Tournament of Champions
10/04/2014 WAWASEE
Division: TOC_2014 Federation#:
Team Boat# Fish Wgt Pnlty B/F Total
October 6, 2014 Page 1
1 MARTY BOYLE-GERALD GINGERICH 14 5/ 5 9.89 2.49 9.89
2 BO JUDD-TRAVIS OSBUN 6 5/ 5 8.70 8.70
3 JIM BETTS-MIKE LYTLE 1 5/ 5 7.76 1.88 7.76
4 MIKE FOOR-JERRY PALMER 2 5/ 5 7.59 1.97 7.59
5 HAROLD CHANEY-SHANE GUY 7 3/ 3 7.15 4.04 7.15
6 GREG REKEWEG-JOE SITTLER 4 4/ 4 6.61 6.61
7 GARRY HANDSHOE-DAVE THIES 10 4/ 4 6.41 6.41
8 PATRICK SWEET-Un-assigned 11 .00 .00
Teams Fished: 14 Hours Fished: 6.00
Total Fish Weighed: 31 Average Weight / Fish: 1.75
Total Fish Released: 31 (100%) Average #Fish / Team: 2.21
Total Fish Weight: 54.11 Average Weight / Team: 3.61
November 9, 2013
Warsaw American Legion
Officers Present: Mitch Hayes, District 1 Director; Mike Goins, District 2 Director; Craig Stanley, District 3 Director. Jeff Boone, District 4 Director and DeWayne Wilda, IBF Vice President.
Mitch Hayes called the meeting to order at 9:05 am.
Mike Goins read the minutes from the March 9, 2013 meeting. Summit City made motion to accept and Wawasee Hawg Hunters seconded.
DeWayne Wilda gave financial report. $700 in checking account. Only anticipated expenses that need to be paid is Directors travel expenses for zone and state meeting. He also said we normally keep 10 % from Tournament of Champions but did not do this year. The 50/50 raffle and the proceeds from TOC are the only sources of income so we should keep 10% in the future. Mid Indiana Anglers made motion to accept. Second by C-City Bass Masters.
M Hayes made motion that each club donate $20 for Riley Foundation and due by March Zone meeting. Passed unanimously.
M Goins reminded everyone Scholarship applications and Club of the Year presentations due by December State meeting. $300 scholarship awarded for each zone.
C Stanley discussed boat raffle program. Tickets $3.00 this year. Clubs need to sell 150 for Top 8 entry fee discount. More tickets available if needed.
M Hayes discussed youth program. It was self-sufficient. Averaged about 40 kids per tournament. Paul Hollabaugh suggested we recognize Brad Zellers for his good work with the youth program.
M Goins reported on the Northern Divisional. Hosted by Ohio and held on the Ohio River out of Wheeling West Virginia. Indiana came frombehind to win. Dave Cermak of Hebron, IN was the overall winner with 21.5 pounds and will advance to the Nationals as a boater. Phil Reel of Kokomo, IN was 3rd overall with 19.15 pounds and will fish the nationals as a non-boater. DeWayne Wilda said Cermak advised him he found something in practice that panned out. He was actually fishing as a non-boater but the boater let him fish as the boater the last day since he was high in the standings.
M Hays requested any proposals for 2014 Top 8’s. Angola Bass Masters presented proposal to host the East Top 8 on Lake James May 3 and $. That was the only proposal so they will host the East Top 8.
There was no proposals for the West Top 8. Mitch Hayes secured May 3 and 4 date at Wawasee so the Zone Directors will conduct the West Top 8. Syracuse ramp to be used. Goins and J Boone to make necessary arrangements. It will be made up of District 1 and 2 and some clubs from District 3.
To keep the two Top 8’s relatively even it was asked that 4 clubs from District 4 volunteer to fish in the West Top 8 at Wawasee. Grant County Bass Anglers, Indiana Bass Club, Northern Bass Anglers and Wawasee Hawg Hunters all volunteered and will participate in the West Top 8.
M Hayes advised State Finals tentatively scheduled the 4th weekend of July at Patoka.
M Hayes discussed the IBF Website. Accepting 2014 schedules. Adams County Bass Masters made motion requiring all clubs put their schedules on the website and if not done by April the could not participate. This was the result of a specific situation where two clubs had tournaments scheduled but one was not listed on the website and a third club had anglers show up to prefish for the next week. It was important that the clubs put their schedules on the website to not only help other clubs but to prevent multiple clubs taking up all the parking and leaving nothing for general public. We do not want a permit system for all lakes. M Hayes also pointed out that it may not be possible to keep clubs from participating because of IBF Top 8 rules. It was stressed to use offsite parking whenever possible. The motion died for lack of a second but it was decided that the Zone Directors would monitor the web site and keep clubs advised of who was not on the website.
The terms of two Zone Directors were up – District 1 and 2. Mitch Hayes advised he would not seek reelection in District 1. He asked for nominations for District 1 but there was none. The only nomination for District 2 was Mike Goins. He accepted and with continue as District 2 Director.
Mike Goins acknowledged the top 3 teams of the Tournament of Champions and awarded their plaques. Mike Klavinski and Robert Handshoe of the Angola Bass Masters won. Second was Tony Hubbard and Brian Hooser of the Angola Hawg Hunters. Third were Phil and Lee Duracz of the Fish Lake Bass Masters. The 4 pound 1 ounce big bass was caught by Chuck Thompson and Diana Bauer of the St Joe Valley Bass Masters.
Mitch Hayes advised that all Zone 1 clubs were eligible for Top 8 except Lafayette Bass.
Mike Goins reported that Michigan was discussing raising their non-resident fishing license to $75. Paul Hollabaugh advised that the governor had signed the bill and it was official.
Mitch Hayes discussed 2013 State Finals. Six anglers from Zone 1 made the State Team. Brian Whitaker won it.
M Hayes announced dates for 2014 Zone Meetings
- January 11, 2013
- March 8, 2014
- May 2, 2014 – Separate meetings at each Top 8
- November 8, 2014
M Goins reminded every one of the TBF road promotion. Get two rods for $100 and the TBF will pay your FLW Competition membership and the TBF dues.
New Business: DeWayne Wilda said President Kelly Hook wanted feedback on whether we should let clubs field a second Top 8 Team at Top 8 Tournaments. There was some discussion but no consensus of opinion.
Summit City made motion to adjourn. Second by Sugar Creek. Meeting adjourned at 9:46.
January 12, 2013
Warsaw VFW
Officers Present: Mitch Hayes, District 1 Director; Mike Goins, District 2 Director; Craig Stanley, District 3 Director; and Jeff Boone, Director District 4, Also present were President Elect Kelly Hook, DeWayne Wilda, Vice President; Eric Hardesty, Secretary ; Kenny Swint, IBF Invitational Trail Tournament Director and Zone 2 District 5/6 Director; and Brad Zellers, Youth Director.
Mitch Hayes called the meeting to order at 9:05 am. He led the meeting with the Pledge of Alliance and introduced visitors Kelly Hook, Eric Hardesty, Kenny Swint, and Brad Zellers. They were all asked to speak.
Kelly Hook; He plans to visit all zones and asked for any complaints or suggestions. We have fallen from 3000 members to 1400 and plans to do what he can to rebuild the membership. Wants to have better communication between officers, directors and the membership. We need to get more people involved. We now have a Face Book page. Look under Indiana Bass Federation. Wants any input on what can be done to improve the federation.
Eric Hardesty: IBF paperwork due 2/1/13. Do not send it certified. Call him if you have any questions.
Kenny Swint: Fished the Invitational Trail for 20 years. Trying to do things to help both the IBF and the Trail such as the Top 2 from each Top 8 eligible for the Trail Classic and the Top 10 from the Trail eligible for the State Tournament as long as they are IBF members. As far as lake selection he must consider if it will handle 50-60 boats. The Indiana National Guard to sponsor the Trail and the Federation. Will be conducting a team tournament at Wawasee the Sunday before the state finals – $100 per tem with 80% payback.
Brad Zellers: Trying to get more youth involved. ; lowering fees to $75 for the year which will include all entry fees, IBF, TBF and FLW dues. Has scheduled Maxey, Shaffer, Geist and looking for two other lakes. Is on Facebook.
Mitch thanked them for coming.
M Goins read minutes from 11/17/12 zone meeting. Wawasee made motion to approve. There was a second, Motion to approve passed.
D Wilda advised $544 in zone checking account. Paid for flowers for Shane Kerns. Advised that clubs needed to get the WISH/Riley donation paid by March meeting. Six clubs have paid. C-City made motion to approve. Wawasee seconded. Treasurer’s report approved.
Question about TBF Divisonals camefrom the floor. Wildaadvised 2013 divisional on Ohio River at Wheeling, WV. Hosted by Ohio. 2014 divisonals hosted by Michigan.
M Goins stated there was only one scholarship application from our Zone and 3 from Zone 2. No applications from Zones 3 or 4. We had 3 submissions for Club of the Year although one was not submitted correctly.
E Hardesty asked that clubs make sure he has current club contact info. He also needed to talk to a member of the Angola Bass Masters.
C Stanley advised RaffleBoat tickets are due to him by 2/1/13. 20,000 tickets still out. When submitting the tickets can print report and do it by hand or submit it electronically.
D Wilda reminded clubs to make sure members E- Mail address are updated on rosters as that is how they will be contacted for Top-8’s and State Tournament.
Top-8 for Districts 1 and 2 plus some of 3 will be May 4/5 at Wawasee. District 3 & 4 will be May 18/19 at Wawasee. Directors will run the tournaments but the clubs need to provide people to help. Meetings will be Friday night at MooreBoats before each Top 8a. Drawings will be done prior to the meetings. Let Mitch Hayes know of any changes prior to the meetings.
State Tournament is July 20/21 at Wawasee. Same partner’s both days.
Team Toumament at Wawasee July 14 – $100 entry fee,
M Hayes said our Zone is to man the IBF booth the first weekend of the Indy Boat Show. We need clubs to help sell tickets. The more tickets we sell the more money we will have for the Top-8’s.
K Hook advised Ed O’Connor will oversee the IBF booth the week of February 15 through February 24.
M Hayes said Website is up to date. Send schedule info to Mitch Hayes through IBF E-mail address or to his personal one. Please send the info on an attachment. He needs the date, lake, contact number, ramp to be used, and the number of boats. He will also place business card size adds for $20 per month or $200 for the year. Magazine will be coming out about 2/1/12. We will put out one magazine a year as we do not have the funds to producefour a year. Rule bookletwill be like it was in the past – a separate booklet.
Zone meeting March 9 at the American Legion.
General membership meeting 2/16/13 at The Grand Hall where we have met before at the State Fairgrounds.
Denali Rods giving a 25% discount for IBF members if ordered online. Buy 5 or more at one time and the IBF gets a free rod.
M Hayes outlined proposed Bylaw change. No elected officer in the IBF can hold 2 elected offices at the same time.Reason is because president, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary are not voting offices. Some of those people relinquished their other elected position and some did not. So some could vote and others could not. This would be a clarification so we are all doing it the same. Took hand vote. 21 clubs present, 17 in favor and 1 opposed. Directors will present that information to the board.
50/50 was $155 with $77 going to winner. I did not get the winners name but he purchased his tickets immediately ahead of me.
Potato Creek made Motion to adjourn; Seconded by C-City. Meeting adjourned.
November 17, 2012
Warsaw VFW
Called to order at 9am
Pledge of Allegiance
Reading of the minutes from August meeting
Treasurers Report (Dewayne Wilda) $699.82
Election of Directors for 2013
Zones 1 and 2 were up for election and Zone 4 needed a replacement for Charlie Clark.
Zone 1 Mitch Hayes Zone 2 Mike Goins Zone 4 Jeff Boone
Discussion concerning Club of the year and the Scholarship Program…..Information and Applications were available.
Raffle program – The boat is in and available…contact Craig Stanley for additional tickets or to make arrangements to get the boat. Raffle tickets must be turned in by Feb. 1, 2013
Top-8 discussion:
Directors will be running the tournaments, all clubs are ask to provide help for the tournaments
Two Top-8’s this year both will be held on Wawasee. Then State Finals will be hosted by Zone 1 on Wawasee in July 2013
1st Top-8 will be May 4 & 5 for Bass Lafayette, Cedar Creek, Fish Lake B/M, Fulton Co. B/M, Grant Co. B/A, Indiana B/M, Indiana Bass Club, Kokomo B/A, Marco B/M, Mid Indiana Anglers, Peru B/M, Potato Creek Bass Club, St Joe Valley B/M, Syracuse B/M, Team Bass of Marion and Winamac B/M. (16 clubs)
2nd Top-8 will be May 18 & 19 for Adams Co Bass Casters, Allen Co. B/M, Angola Hawg Hunters, Angola B/M, C-City B/M, Dekalb B/M, Lagrange Co B/M, Michiana B/A, Northeast Indiana B/M, Northern B/A, Old Fort Basscasters, Pine Valley B/M, Quad Co Anglers, Sugar Creek B/M, Summit City B/M, Wawasee Hawg Hunters and Ye Olde Tackle Box. (17 clubs)
Motion to accept – Syracuse B/M Second-Summit City B/M (Approved by Majority Vote)
State Finals Wawasee July 20 & 21 2013
IBF trail may have a non-points tournament on Wawasee prior to the state finals.
2013 Indianapolis Boat Sport and Travel Show- 1st weekend is for Zone-1 to work…we need a better turn out than last year. Need clubs to volunteer to work 2-4 hours shifts both Saturday and Sunday. The ticket sales it what funds our Top-8’s so please come out and help!
Mitch Hayes stated the Website is up to date. Money tournaments this year will be in red above the club tournaments.
New Business:
21 clubs in attendance.
Not represented were Indiana Bass Club, Winamac B/M, Mid Indiana, Grant Co, Northern B/A, Adams Co Basscasters, Angola Hawg Hunters, Dekalb Basscasters, Northeast Indiana B/M, Old Fort Basscasters, Pine Valley, and Quad Co.
50/50 raffle raised $46 (Doug Bradley was the lucky winner)
Next General Membership meeting will be December 1, 2012 at 1pm at the UAW Building in Anderson on 29th St and Madison Ave.
It was mentioned that we should support our sponsors or at least thank them for their support. Last year Delaware prop donated certificates that were given away at each Top-8.
Meeting Dates set for next year:
January 12, 2013
March 9, 2013
August meeting eliminated – Top-8 meetings in May will replace this meeting
November 9, 2013
Motion- P. Hollabaugh Second-Michiana B/A (Approved by Majority Vote) (1-club opposed)
Discussion concerning fish handling at tournament weigh-in’s. It was mentioned that we need to make an effort to return the fish to deeper water to improve on the survival rate. Don’t just dump them back in the shallow water at the ramp.
Dec 5, 2012 Applebee’s Plymouth, South Bend, Granger, Huntington, Warsaw, Kendalville will donate 15% of your bill to support the “Family Readiness Group of the 381st MPCO. You will also receive a $5 coupon that can be used on your next visit.
Clubs are ask to support the Wish Foundation again this year….$20 donation should be paid by the March meeting.
Motion-Wawasee Second-Marco (Approved by Majority vote)
Motion to Close Wawasee Second-Summit City Meeting Adjourned.
Indiana Bass Federation 2013 Zone 1 Top-8’s |
May 4/5
Lake Wawasee
Bass Lafayette
Cedar Creek Bass Masters
Fish Lake Bass Masters
Fulton County Bass Masters
Grant Co Bass Anglers
Indiana Bass Club
Indiana Bass Masters
Kokomo Bass Anglers
MARCO Bass Masters
Mid Indiana Anglers
Peru Bass Masters
Potato Creek Bass Club
St Joe Valley Bass Masters
Syracuse Bass Masters
Team Bass of Marion
Winamac Bass Masters
May 18/19
Lake Wawasee
Adams County Bass Casters
Allen County BM
Angola Bass Masters
Angola Hawg Hunters
C-City Bass Masters
LaGrange County BM
Michiana Bass Anglers
Northern Bass Anglers
Old Fort Basscasters
Pine Valley Bass Masters
Quad County Anglers
Sugar Creek Bass Masters
Summit City Bass Masters
Wawasee Hawg Hunters
Ye Olde Tacklebox Team
11/17/12 Zone 1 meeting American Legion Warsaw 9:00 am
Called to order at 9am
Pledge of Allegiance
Reading of the minutes from August meeting
Treasurers Report (Dewayne Wilda) $699.82
Election of Directors for 2013
Zones 1 and 2 were up for election and Zone 4 needed a replacement for Charlie Clark.
Zone 1 Mitch Hayes Zone 2 Mike Goins Zone 4 Jeff Boone
Discussion concerning Club of the year and the Scholarship Program…..Information and Applications were available.
Raffle program – The boat is in and available…contact Craig Stanley for additional tickets or to make arrangements to get the boat. Raffle tickets must be turned in by Feb. 1, 2013
Top-8 discussion:
Directors will be running the tournaments, all clubs are ask to provide help for the tournaments
Two Top-8’s this year both will be held on Wawasee. Then State Finals will be hosted by Zone 1 on Wawasee in July 2013
1st Top-8 will be May 4 & 5 for Bass Lafayette, Cedar Creek, Fish Lake B/M, Fulton Co. B/M, Grant Co. B/A, Indiana B/M, Indiana Bass Club, Kokomo B/A, Marco B/M, Mid Indiana Anglers, Peru B/M, Potato Creek Bass Club, St Joe Valley B/M, Syracuse B/M, Team Bass of Marion and Winamac B/M. (16 clubs)
2nd Top-8 will be May 18 & 19 for Adams Co Bass Casters, Allen Co. B/M, Angola Hawg Hunters, Angola B/M, C-City B/M, Dekalb B/M, Lagrange Co B/M, Michiana B/A, Northeast Indiana B/M, Northern B/A, Old Fort Basscasters, Pine Valley B/M, Quad Co Anglers, Sugar Creek B/M, Summit City B/M, Wawasee Hawg Hunters and Ye Olde Tackle Box. (17 clubs)
Motion to accept – Syracuse B/M Second-Summit City B/M (Approved by Majority Vote)
State Finals Wawasee July 20 & 21 2013
IBF trail may have a non-points tournament on Wawasee prior to the state finals.
2013 Indianapolis Boat Sport and Travel Show- 1st weekend is for Zone-1 to work…we need a better turn out than last year. Need clubs to volunteer to work 2-4 hours shifts both Saturday and Sunday. The ticket sales it what funds our Top-8’s so please come out and help!
Mitch Hayes stated the Website is up to date. Money tournaments this year will be in red above the club tournaments.
New Business:
21 clubs in attendance.
Not represented were Indiana Bass Club, Winamac B/M, Mid Indiana, Grant Co, Northern B/A, Adams Co Basscasters, Angola Hawg Hunters, Dekalb Basscasters, Northeast Indiana B/M, Old Fort Basscasters, Pine Valley, and Quad Co.
50/50 raffle raised $46 (Doug Bradley was the lucky winner)
Next General Membership meeting will be December 1, 2012 at 1pm at the UAW Building in Anderson on 29th St and Madison Ave.
It was mentioned that we should support our sponsors or at least thank them for their support. Last year Delaware prop donated certificates that were given away at each Top-8.
Meeting Dates set for next year:
January 12, 2013
March 9, 2013
August meeting eliminated – Top-8 meetings in May will replace this meeting
November 9, 2013
Motion- P. Hollabaugh Second-Michiana B/A (Approved by Majority Vote) (1-club opposed)
Discussion concerning fish handling at tournament weigh-in’s. It was mentioned that we need to make an effort to return the fish to deeper water to improve on the survival rate. Don’t just dump them back in the shallow water at the ramp.
Dec 5, 2012 Applebee’s Plymouth, South Bend, Granger, Huntington, Warsaw, Kendalville will donate 15% of your bill to support the “Family Readiness Group of the 381st MPCO. You will also receive a $5 coupon that can be used on your next visit.
Clubs are ask to support the Wish Foundation again this year….$20 donation should be paid by the March meeting.
Motion-Wawasee Second-Marco (Approved by Majority vote)
Motion to Close Wawasee Second-Summit City Meeting Adjourned.